Monday, May 15, 2017

BLOG: Privacy

      With all the new media technology being developed or has been already developed like Facebook and Twitter. Society privacy is constantly being compromised that is because each time the user clicks on something. The information related to the click is getting written down, relayed on a far away storage server. With this information that the computer has recorded they now show us advertisements related to our likes only, in order to sell there product therefore making more money. 
      For example if a user would click a Facebook sponsored advertisement link related to computer parts or programming the next day you would see advertisements everywhere related to the new GPU's or CPU'S coming out and see the occasional programming tutorial program for a low price of 44.99$. I see it happen to me personally everyday, sometimes I would just click on random sites and see what different advertisements would pop up the next day just to mess with the storage server.

1 comment:

  1. I agree the internet is not a safe place. Not only what we click on is being recorded but also our personal information remains as well which leads to identity theft.
