Monday, May 15, 2017

BLOG: Next New

     For my new media ideal would be to create some type of system that allows a person to simply see a type of  food and then the information related to the food would be relayed to your glasses. Then on the glasses it could tell you what type of ingredients you need in order to create the food that you saw earlier. After that the glasses could give you step by step instructions on how to combine the food.
     This technology will be useful for most people because a lot of people over complicating cooking, some recipes could certainly be more complex then others but with this technology cooking will become more clear for the user. Maybe there could be some type of virtual reality feature designed into the glasses to get more proficient at cooking without spending money on ingredient until you feel confident enough for the real thing.

BLOG: Wiki So Far

      In order to contribute for my class in the wiki page. I decided to do write on a topic I use nearly everyday which is gaming, specifically MMORPG. The page that I edited and built on was the "Massive Multiplayer Online Role Playing Games" wiki page. The previous students enrolled in this class have already discussed about the MMORPG that I was thinking to do, Black Desert Online. 
      The previous class spoke about the near unlimited customization in Black Desert Online so instead I spoke about the unlimited scenarios that players develop when they duel each other in game for resources. Then I made a connection to new modern day technology artificial intelligence instead of AI being developed by the gaming company the person themselves become the AI in order to become a challenge to the other player.


     File sharing is basically when you would receive a source of a copyrighted material in order to not pay for the actual cost of said material. This is a common example in many colleges where P2P file sharing would occur, this type of file sharing is when you would search for computer that would have P2P software installed and copy there information similar to lime wire back in the day before it got shutdown.
     This has become a issue according to the article Should Online Scofflaws Be Denied Web Access? "The American entertainment industry says accounts for the loss of $20 billion a year in sales." The owners of said copyrighted material are losing massive amounts of money by society not buying there product from the original source. Even if lawyers were to go after the people who host these websites it would be to tedious and expensive because there are several people hosting the site like pirate bay causing multiple lawsuits against multiple people therefor causing a increase in the payment of lawyers.


BLOG: Privacy

      With all the new media technology being developed or has been already developed like Facebook and Twitter. Society privacy is constantly being compromised that is because each time the user clicks on something. The information related to the click is getting written down, relayed on a far away storage server. With this information that the computer has recorded they now show us advertisements related to our likes only, in order to sell there product therefore making more money. 
      For example if a user would click a Facebook sponsored advertisement link related to computer parts or programming the next day you would see advertisements everywhere related to the new GPU's or CPU'S coming out and see the occasional programming tutorial program for a low price of 44.99$. I see it happen to me personally everyday, sometimes I would just click on random sites and see what different advertisements would pop up the next day just to mess with the storage server.

BLOG: Advice

     If I were to be hired by Baruch College to improve there New Media system would be to revamp Black Board online system and develop that website into a phone application. This would allow students to be able to pick out there professors notes at a moments notice. If one were to lose WiFi or signal service when taking the train as many students do. They could preemptively download there professors notes to study from. I know this happens to me personally. I have to constantly dig and dig inside of blackboard to get some notes and save the page for offline reading then transfer the file to my phone constantly. If a application were designed to make this process a lot smother then it would overall help the students at Baruch College.

BLOG: Creativity and New Media

     When l started the game called Second life I was brought into the tutorial after selecting my avatar. There were many avatar options to pick from what was interesting was that their was a Halloween themed ones. I didn't pick those personal because it stood out to much instead I choose the male that looked like a cowboy.

After doing some of the tutorial I saw a random person in the picture above doing some type of dance it was interesting because they were the only one doing the dance. I didn't even know how to do the dance animation myself.
I eventually got to point in the tutorial where you could fly, I was surprised that it affect my real body I was getting goosebumps from flying even though I do play my fair share of video games almost none of them had this free range of flying as Second Life did.

     Overall my experience in Second Life was interesting, I never played a game like this before I tried to communicate with other people but they didn't respond, although I did get a random friend request which is nice. To bad the game is a bit dated being created in 2003. This game gives me the vibe of SIMS a other game that is designed on the virtual world concept.

Sunday, May 14, 2017

BLOG: Creativity

     New media does foster creativity because it encourages uses to discuses with other about there ideals. Each person has a different perspective on someones idea. People can build upon other people ideas however, if the idea is never talked about then the idea can never be improved on. This can be seen in the article Twitter Serves Up Ideas From Its Followers which says "This is in large part because the Internet lets people exchange ideas easily and rapidly with large groups, and computing tools let people design new products cheaply." This shows the media system twitter is becoming a platform to spark new ideas.