Monday, April 17, 2017

BLOG: Social Networking

          Someways that corporate or in this case the president of the united states Obama, as said in the article "How Obama Tapped Into Social Network's Power" he was able to use his resources to develop a extreme data base system that has a person likes and dislikes. Instead of the regular political base. He then was able to reach out to millions of his supporters instantly, instead of having to communicate to them one by one. Now that we have these technologies in place it is easier to communicate with like minded to scheduled important events such as meetings, scrimmages, bake sales, and political rallies.
          However, this data base system is created by "mining the data" as the article depicts. Each time you like a topic or share it as Facebook usually allows you to. A computer system in the background would take a recording of your likes and dislikes and then by using certain algorithms they can show you advertisements that would interest you more then others. This can be seen as troubling because if the computers can and will more then likely advance to a point in the future where they can control what a human likes and dislikes which can be used to sway the political election in the future. This is all in theory of course.

1 comment:

  1. Elections are fascinating and new media is becoming immensely incorporated in it. Obama incorporated it with the power of social networking's likes and dislikes. I am sure H. Clinton and Trump used these systems as well. However, President Trump expands the use of new media with his constant use of Twitter to keep us Americans updated on the nations events.
